
Roof Repairs in North London

Roof Repairs & Maintenance

At First Rate Roofing Ltd, we also provide a cost-effective professional repair service.

We can carry out small repairs and remedial work to your property. Protect your property and also ensure your roof is in a safe state of repair. Loose tiles are a potential hazard which needs to be attended to immediately and a leaking roof, if not attended to, can cause damp problems, and increase the damage to your property. We can also attend to any leadwork that may need to be repaired.

Our experienced team at First Rate Roofing Ltd can visit and provide a survey and assessment of the condition of your roof. No job is too small.  

Repairing Leaks | Replacing Tiles | Fixing Storm Damage


Here are some previous roof repair jobs that we have done, in and around North London. Click each image to enlarge it to see more details: